Mohawk - $60
Full Leg - $110
Brazilian - $105
French Bikini - $60
Bikini - $45
Stomach - $40
Full Back - $70
Half Upper Leg - $60
Half Lower Leg - $50
Full Arm - $55
Half Arm - $40
Full Face - $80
Brow - $30
Neck/Lip/Chin - $20
Underarm - $25
We use Nufree Nudese, the worldwide gold standard in hair removal. It's not a wax and never sticks to the skin. Nufree is safe, clean and germ free. Finipil is an antiseptic applied after treatment to slow down hair growth and destroys 99.99% of bacteria while it cools, soothes, and reduces ingrown hairs while protecting from infection. Length of hair must be at least 1/4" long. Cleanse skin prior. Skin should be free of makeup, lotions, and oils. Re-book should be between four to six weeks.
Mohawk - $60
Full Leg - $110
Brazilian - $105
French Bikini - $60
Bikini - $45
Stomach - $40
Full Back - $70
Half Upper Leg - $60
Half Lower Leg - $50
Full Arm - $55
Half Arm - $40
Full Face - $80
Brow - $30
Neck/Lip/Chin - $20
Underarm - $25
Full Leg - $110
Underarm - $35
Chin/Lip - $20
Brow - $30
Full Face - $80
Full Arm - $55
Half Arm - $40
Half Lower Leg - $50
Half Upper Leg - $60
Full Back - $70
Stomach - $40
Mohawk - $60
Bikini - $45
French Bikini - $60
Brazilian - $105
Chest - $75
Back - $70
Full Leg $110
Sleeves & Shoulders - $87
Brazilian - $116
Full Sweater - $157
Full Sweater - $157
Sleeves & Shoulders - $87
Brazilian - $105
Back - $70
Chest - $75