Amy Fortier
RVC Level 3 Personal Trainer

Email: [email protected]
NASM-Certified Personal TrainerZHealth® Movement Performance Specialist
I am a former couch potato who became a ‘gym rat’ through happy accidents and inspirational mentors. I believe you can make the same transformation.
When I was growing up, I never played a sport, I hated gym class, and I had no idea what I was doing in the gym. Luckily, I encountered several women like me (i.e. unfit and overweight) who inspired me to do and be more. One suggested I try the climbing wall and, despite some terror, I made it to the top (and, more importantly, back down). Another friend, whose body was undoubtedly Rubenesque, became a step instructor proving that attitude is more important than size. Lastly, a friend suggested I try a sprint length triathlon. Although I’d never completed any of the three events alone, never mind together, I succeeded!
From then on, I’ve continued to push myself to try new things – from running a half-marathon to Belly Dance classes to teaching my own classes. I’d like to inspire you to make that same transformation yourself and discover that going to the gym isn’t a chore but something you look forward to doing.